Author Archives: admin

Why Your Next Coffee Should Be Organic

Living in a country full of well-stocked shelves, it’s easy to think that Australia, like most other countries, seems to be on to a winning formula with its food. What the shelves don’t show you is probably something that not even our farmers have thought too much about - their...

You Are So Inspiring

Those who disrupt rarely start out with the goal of being innovators or leaders. Many of the achievements that make inspirational people inspiring are not particularly difficult or extreme; they’re just brave and creative. So why don’t more people innovate and broaden their practices? Why do most people wait for...

Intuition versus Thought

Intuition is often described as a ‘gut feeling’, an unexplained sense that tells you something is true even when you have no evidence or proof of it. This is our higher self-guiding us toward happiness and light. Our thoughts are much chattier, even noisy in our head and are usually an indicator of our anxiety or fear-based beliefs....


Dreaming as a verb – indicates an ongoing flow of action, a progression, a journey. Dreaming is instantaneous. It is the way your right brain spatial and sensory cues and movements. These exercises consciously move the body and/or emotions to break up entrenched patterns of fear, old belief systems, restore...

Should I have a psychic reading?

Like all things in life, trust your intuition in deciding if you want a reading, and of course choosing a psychic reader. Think of your reason for having a reading. Even better, think of specific questions to ask. You can expect to receive clarity in understanding a person, or a...

5 Reasons to Use Raw Honey for Skincare

 Raw honey is the perfect skincare product for healthy, beautiful skin and a more balanced skin microbiome (the garden of bacteria and microbes that call your skin home). Not only does raw honey have direct skin beautifying properties, its texture and stickiness also make it ideal as a gentle...

Milestone Ages – Solfile Development Series

A combination of my own experience, client stories, astrological tools and psychological principles have made me put together this simple model with the intention to identify the demands and nudges life gifts us with at key times. I have shared it successfully with clients with instant and enduring results to...

4 Tips to Improve Your Sleep

Tired of tossing and turning at night?  These 4 simple tips may improve your sleep quality and help you feel more energetic and productive during the day. Not enough sleep or poor quality sleep can have an adverse effect on your mood, brain & heart health, immune system, stress levels,...

Mindfulness and the ancient art of ritual

The world is aware of the power of practising mindfulness, but when it comes to implementing it everyday, most people hit a wall. The desire is there, but the difficulty to gently connect with oneself and slow down remains. How do we have the patience for quiet space to nurture...

Daily Rituals to Create Magic in your Life

Rituals are an important part of our lives. Our future is not shaped by big decisions or events, but by our daily habits. What you repeatedly do — your choices — defines who you become. Rituals give us a base and a certainty that is required for our wellbeing. Rituals within the context of...

Lemon Peel and Immune System Supports

Don’t throw out those lemon peels!  Most people don’t realise how nutritionally valuable they are to support the immune system.  It is well known that freshly squeezed lemon in a glass of water or cup of herbal tea has wonderful digestive and gut health benefits, but you may be surprised...

Fast the Easy Way with Food

The fasting mimicking nutrition program was featured on Gwyneth Paltrow the Goop Lab (The Health-Span Plan with Gwyneth Paltrow: SE4) The fasting mimicking nutrition programme is fasting, but with food. Traditionally, the most potent way to fast was a five-day, water-only fast. Now you can fast with food. Get all...