Girls Get Off

We said, shame over big-O’s? Gone. Seedy sex shops that seem to be designed with only men’s pleasure in mind? Banished. Feeling weird talking to your friends about pleasure? Not anymore. We were sick of the stigma and taboo about these things, and believe the time has come for vulva owners to feel good when exploring and learning about what makes your Queen V blush.

We want GGO to be the place that gives you a giggle with our unhinged IG posts, and our products to give you ALL the pleasure behind closed doors. We want Missy to be the vibrator you proudly recommend to your bestie, and A Girls Guide to Getting Off to be your fav coffee table book - because these things aren’t shameful, they’re powerful.

But most of all, we want to help every woman who interacts with GGO to walk away feeling supported, confident and empowered, so that you can chase your pleasure and feel confident talking to your partner about what ticks your boxes, and what doesn’t.

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